• ginkgotree 8 hours ago ago

    He worked with our group a bit in YC S16. He helped us rename our company to a better brand that targeted are demographic better. Was a pretty reasonable guy, soft spoken, logical, easy to work with and gives blunt advice.

  • ada1981 2 days ago ago

    My best friend and I took him on a ski trip when he had just sold Loopt. I've been connected to him since. He's always very responsive via texting and was stoked to receive copies of the book I wrote with AI when OpenAI gave me researcher access years ago. I haven't worked with him on a team however.

    * the book was Autonomous Haiku Machine; and was the first book of haiku written by AI.

  • ldjkfkdsjnv 2 days ago ago

    I can guarantee you he is competent.

    • nothercastle a day ago ago

      There are no incompetent people at that level. It’s just that sometimes they aren’t competent at the things you think they should be competent at because you make incorrect assumptions about what it takes to rise to the top.

      • hilux a day ago ago

        That is beautifully stated, and gets to the essence of my question.

      • ldjkfkdsjnv a day ago ago

        The guy founded/oversaw the development one of the most revolutionary companies of all time. Enough with this speculation that he is completely incompetent. People need to accept that results matter

        • muzani 21 hours ago ago

          I think the question is whether Peter Principle applies. The fact that he was fired hints he wasn't able to grow into the role he holds, but there's likely a lot of politics involved there so the signal is blurry.

          • ldjkfkdsjnv 7 hours ago ago

            Dude he ran Ycombinator during its most successful period. Then founded openai. get out of here with this crap