• mattlondon 2 days ago ago

    Genuine question: How is this different from Google sheets? I don't see much here that I've not already been doing for years in Google sheets (except native python I guess - JS, SQL, fetch() etc has otherwise been there for ages and it's all free)

    Also the logo looks a lot like Microsoft? I am not colourblind but it might look even more similar if you are?

    • attilakun 2 days ago ago

      They seem to execute JS locally in the browser. Google Sheets makes a network call for this, which results in a laggy experience. I ran into this while I was developing my own Google Sheets add-on [1] which allows inline definition of JS within Sheets but the lag makes the UX subpar.

      [1]: https://www.evaljs.net/

    • Ashwinning a day ago ago

      This looks really awesome! But same question here:

      GSheets has let me write JS (Google Script) in the spreadsheet (w/ multiplayer, free db & API hosting like features with a little bit of JS, ++) and now has some Gemini support rolling in.

      Excel is rolling out support for Python and Jupyter as well.

      I'm trying to wrap my head around who the ideal user/customer is here w/ a hair on fire problem, and what problems are being addressed that are overlooked by the 2 most popular spreadsheet tools.

      • mcdonje a day ago ago

        I can't speak to Google Sheets, but the Excel support for Python is currently severely lacking and poorly thought out.

        People want VBA to be replaced with Python, JS, or something else widely used and respected. Typescript would be good.

        That's not what's happening. They're adding in piecemeal functionality that doesn't necessarily solve any problems or fit into the ecosystem.

  • attilakun 2 days ago ago

    Do you evaluate JS using a web worker in the browser? https://github.com/quadratichq/quadratic/blob/qa/quadratic-c...

    How effective is this as a sandbox, are there any know (security) tradeoffs? I was using QuickJS for my previous projects but I'm wondering if yours is a better solution (it's certainly more performant).

  • zelphirkalt 2 days ago ago

    Emacs org mode with org babel allows you to use many programming languages in its spreadsheets, for at least small sizes of spreadsheets, or multiple spreadsheet throughout the document. There can be some friction though, converting strings to other types, to perform calculation.

  • Onavo 2 days ago ago

    Note that they have a GitHub but they are not open source.

    • Manchego79 2 days ago ago

      Correct, our license is Source Available to be as open as possible while reserving commercial rights, which we believe will ultimately enable us to build the best product for users.

      • victor106 2 days ago ago

        What does "Source Available" mean exactly?

        Does it mean all our source code is on Github but you cannot use it to host your own instance for commercial purposes but okay for personal projects?

        • dest 2 days ago ago

          More probably code available on demand but without any license attached

          • sswatson 8 hours ago ago

            No, the code is available on GitHub and there is a license. It permits personal use.

  • TheTaytay 2 days ago ago

    I’ve been looking for exactly this. (For Python to be specific, but I see you support that too.) Nice!

    What are the limits on number of rows, data in cells, and number of columns? I saw you say “infinite” on one blurb but couldn’t find reference to limits anywhere else.

  • xiaodai 2 days ago ago

    These approach has been tried so many times and has failed so many times that it’s not funny

    • etbebl 2 days ago ago

      I guess I wasn't around to see it; do you mind saying why it's failed? Well, I don't know if it's commercially viable, but just speaking for myself I've been looking for something like this for a while.

      • ies7 2 days ago ago

        The ones who use spreadsheet usually don't write code well.

        The ones who code usually don't like spreadsheet.

        • etbebl a day ago ago

          What gets me is that even if you don't code much, if you're using a spreadsheet with formulas, in that moment you are writing code, and doing so in an awful, awful language. Sure, "SUM" is easy, but the moment you have any kind of conditional logic it gets pretty hairy. Maybe there's something about traditional spreadsheet languages that makes them easier than, say, numpy for non-coders, but I don't see it.

  • dest 2 days ago ago

    Interesting product. We would use that as a backoffice that would be self hosted, fetching from and pushing to backend APIs. Is that use case on your roadmap?

    Basically an alternative to Google sheet with JS macros in it. Gsheet is no good for us because we have data protection requirements.

  • mpweiher 2 days ago ago

    See The Analytic Spreadsheet from 1986.


  • cloudking 2 days ago ago

    How does your product differentiate from Google Apps Script? I see you can execute JS within a cell, but why is that a better UX than keeping the code separated like Apps Script does?

    • Manchego79 2 days ago ago

      Quadratic is built for doing analytics, and a native JavaScript experience where you're in the weeds with the data just felt better. We wanted JavaScript to be a first-class citizen in the spreadsheet, as formulas are treated first-class in most spreadsheets.

      When they're separated, the experience feels bolted on (to us). Being native means supporting existing libraries like Fetch for APIs, chart.js for charts, brain.js for ML, etc., not to mention performance!

  • halfcat 2 days ago ago

    Does it export to Excel?

  • fshafique 2 days ago ago

    It's like taking the data-science notebook model (eg. Jupyter Notebook) and using spreadsheets instead.

    • freshlentils 2 days ago ago

      yeah - seems like in enterprises ppl still want spreadsheets, but more and more people also want code, spreadsheets + code

  • babyent 2 days ago ago

    Nice. How long you’ve worked on building it? Is it released today?

    • Manchego79 16 minutes ago ago

      Quadratic has been in BETA for quite some time. We're just announcing the release of native JS support. You can use it today for free :)

  • fermuch 2 days ago ago

    I've tried to use `fetch()` and it works. How did you handle that from WASM? Or is it cached?

  • oliveralbertini 2 days ago ago

    Can you get through https api the data on the spreadsheet ?

  • pmarreck 2 days ago ago

    That's a neat idea. How did you lock down security?

    • Manchego79 2 days ago ago

      Is there anything specifically about security you're curious about?

      We're also offering a self-hosted version you can deploy on your own cloud, env., or Docker container.

      • pmarreck a day ago ago

        I guess, since all the JS runs locally, you don't have to worry as much about things like privilege escalation?

  • sahmeepee 2 days ago ago

    Datat visualizations?

    • Manchego79 2 days ago ago

      For visualizations, we support Chart.js. You can also use our built-in AI to help write the code.

      • sahmeepee 2 days ago ago

        I'm referring to the typo in your very first heading, unless datat visualisations is a term I don't know.

        • Manchego79 2 days ago ago

          Thanks for the heads-up on that.