Cheese Stood Alone for 3,600 Years


22 points | by diodorus 4 days ago ago


  • throwup238 3 hours ago ago

    It’s not as old as this cheese but there’s bog butter:

    It’s common enough of an archaeological find that some people have tasted thousand year old butter!

    • klyrs 3 hours ago ago

      Sometimes I think that people who wreck their lives after winning the lottery are lesser beings than myself. And then, I read about bog butter, and realize that I'd totally blow a million dollars on a single piece of toast.

  • jp57 2 hours ago ago

    The article really is about a specific cheese, not cheese in general. Can someone put the "This" back at the beginning of the title?

  • metadat 2 hours ago ago
  • sfblah 3 hours ago ago

    I do think someone should taste it to validate whether it just tastes "dusty" as before.

  • rendall 2 hours ago ago
  • rendall 2 hours ago ago

    > The cheese was dug up with mummified human remains...

    That's quite an opening sentence.

  • mouse_ 3 hours ago ago

    sounds like the title of a thought provoking indie game

  • echelon_musk 3 hours ago ago

    > Hi-ho, the derry-o! The cheese stands alone.