How to avoid a BSOD on your 2B dollar spacecraft


190 points | by linebeck 5 days ago ago


  • GlenTheMachine 5 days ago ago

    Thee are a bunch of comments here asking why one would run Windows on a spacecraft.

    I am a spacecraft engineer. I don’t see anything in the linked article indicating that they are actually running Windows - the BSOD claim is tongue-in-cheek, or at least that’s how I read it. I also don’t know of anyone anywhere that runs Windows on a spacecraft, with the exception of laptops used by astronauts. Typically one runs vxWorks, or maybe QNX. Some experimental (high risk, low cost) systems run Linux. Older spacecraft don't run any OS at all, everything is running on bare metal, and that may be true for a handful of current spacecraft as well.

    Windows is used in some places by ground controllers, but these days they tend to be running Linux a lot more often.

    • zanthras 5 days ago ago

      Linux(with realtime patch) is used very heavily in spacecraft by Spacex. So both in terms of high visibility/important/danger (dragon 2) and high count (starlink) it is very widely used.


      • XorNot 4 days ago ago

        I wonder how the integration of PREEMPT_RT is going to affect that technology stack going forwards (I imagine slowly, but it's there now).

        • yndoendo 4 days ago ago

          Save costs by integration with the new feature or increasing cost with maintaining a custom kernel branch in the long run.

        • chupasaurus 4 days ago ago

          It was merged to mainline a week ago.

      • bboygravity 4 days ago ago

        And apparently the astronaut !touchscreen! GUI is written in Javascript (not a joke).

        • cliff 4 days ago ago

          I think I was the person who originally proposed to implement the crew control UI in a web browser, and I participated in a week-long retreat in beautiful Bend, Oregon where we implemented the first prototype.

          At the time, some very good flight software engineers had been working diligently on a new UI framework that was written in the same code style and process as the rest of our flight software. However, I noticed a classic problem - we were working on the UI platform at the same time that we were trying to design and prototype the actual UI.

          I made some observations:

          1) We can create a prototype right now in Chrome, with its incumbent versatility.

          2) The chip running the UI can actually reasonably run Chrome.

          3) Web browsers are historically known for crashing, but that's partly because they have to handle every page on the whole Internet. A static system with the same browser running a single website, heavily tested, may be reliable enough for our needs.

          4) We can always go back and reimplement the UI on top of the space-grade UI platform, and actually it'll be a lot easier because we will know exactly functionality we need out of that platform.

          The prototype was a great success; we were able to implement a lot of interesting UI in just a week.

          I left SpaceX before Crew Dragon launched, so I'm not sure what ended up launching or what the state of affairs is today. I remember hearing some feedback from testing sessions that the astronauts were pleasantly surprised when we were able to live edit a button when they commented it was too hard to reliably press it with their gloved finger.

          As for reliability, to do a fair analysis you need to understand the requirements of the mission. Only then can you start thinking about faults and how to mitigate them. This isn't like Apollo where the astronauts had to physically reconfigure the spacecraft for each phase of the mission -- to an exceptionally large extent, Dragon flies itself. As a minor example of systemic fault tolerance, each display is individually controlled by its own processor. If a display fails, whether due to Chrome or cosmic radiation, an astronaut can simply use a different display.

          Also, as a side note regarding "touchscreens" -- I believe some (very important) buttons did launch with Crew Dragon, but buttons and wiring are heavy, and weight is the enemy. If you're going to have a screen anyways, making it a touchscreen adds relatively trivial weight.

          • bearjaws 4 days ago ago

            Wow a real SWE showing up and explaining how you can actually approach a real problem using a browser. Instead of just going "well its not compiled so clearly it will just randomly explode".

            I am always amazed how HN doesn't realize many mission & life critical systems are powered by JS - especially as a front end through a browser.

            • hulitu 3 days ago ago

              > I am always amazed how HN doesn't realize many mission & life critical systems are powered by JS - especially as a front end through a browser

              I am always amazed how some people believe that adding more levels of abstraction leads to safer systems. /s

          • tobylane 4 days ago ago

            When would the Chrome version be frozen? Once you've completed the UI?

            • hulitu 3 days ago ago

              > When would the Chrome version be frozen? Once you've completed the UI?

              Updates keep us secure. /s

          • doctorpangloss 4 days ago ago

            Why doesn't anyone at Boeing make these observations? I don't think anyone needs to be persuaded that a browser is a good UI middleware.

            • rblatz 4 days ago ago

              I suspect that Boeing has a lot of momentum and the risk/reward for pushing an initiative like that doesn’t make sense in that org.

          • pests 3 days ago ago

            This is how most of the YouTube clients work. They shipped a strip down web renderer (I forget if based off chrome or not) with an extremely stripped down set of HTML/CSS/JS features - just enough to run the YouTube UI.

            Still get a familiar development experience, live updates, and able to run on constrained devices.

          • jve 4 days ago ago

            So the implementation speed came solely from developer experience and not someone pushing away this custom UI framework implementation aside?

          • mixmastamyk 4 days ago ago

            At a minimum it should use typescript, no? Also web pages get out of sync sometimes, and need to be reloaded, which doesn’t sound great for mission critical reliability. Compiled, typed UI lib sounds like a better fit.

            • eternityforest 3 days ago ago

              Unless something actually crashes, which any code could do, then why would you need to reload? Just send a websocket message that requests the current full state.

              But if it's implemented correctly, it probably won't get out of sync.

              • mixmastamyk 3 days ago ago

                Remote code doesn’t load correctly sometimes, just a fact of life in a distributed system. Maybe loading it locally reduces that to almost zero, but I’d still be more comfortable risking my life with a desktop app.

                • bboygravity 3 days ago ago

                  How is a browser rendering local files on a machine without an internet connection not "a desktop app" though?

          • 4 days ago ago
          • ramesh31 4 days ago ago

            >I think I was the person who originally proposed to implement the crew control UI in a web browser, and I participated in a week-long retreat in beautiful Bend, Oregon where we implemented the first prototype.

            Please tell me you have a blog

          • promoterr 4 days ago ago


        • DrammBA 4 days ago ago

          > And apparently the astronaut !touchscreen! GUI is written in Javascript (not a joke).

          why would that be mistaken for a joke?

          • vasco 4 days ago ago

            Because they don't want people confusing the launch pad with left-pad and having the spaceship slowing down because of Facebook Like button embeds.

            • 4 days ago ago
          • bboygravity 3 days ago ago

            1. Because nobody in aerospace globally and in the history of humanity never did this before as far as I know. 2. Because many people not familiar with the exact application/industry (guilty) would assume that safety critical machines need to pass safety critical software tests/standards/languages. Javascript is definitely not known to fall in that category. 3. My main reason for thinking it was a joke when I first read it: I personally hate touchscreens (I actually use a phone with a physical keyboard on it). I would hate a touchscreen in a car, let alone a spacecraft. Let alone when I'm wearing a space-suit with massive gloves where touching the wrong button could maybe be life/death in the worse case or SUPER annoying in the best case.

          • weard_beard 4 days ago ago

            Attempt to give a serious answer: Javascript, as a language, has some bizarre return types that can make the kind of thorough testing required in spaceflight difficult. (See: It also has a reputation, like PHP, as being utilized by inexperienced programmers who write poorly structured, poorly test, bloated, and slow code that often crashes and fails. If you want fast, light weight, reliable, well structured, testable, and ultimately very stable code Javascript would seem to be a poor choice within the parameters required for a space vehicle.

            (Maybe this is a good place to ask, anyone have a recommendation for static testing of JS?)

          • electrosphere 4 days ago ago

            I believe it's because in JavaScript some values or expressions are "truthy" or "falsey" depending on how they are evaluated.

          • 4 days ago ago
      • rurban 2 days ago ago

        In the old shuttles also. They had dSpace controllers, which used rtlinux

    • yashap 4 days ago ago

      Indeed, and it’s clearly stated in the article:

      > Safemode is the satellite equivalent of a blue screen of death.

      It’s about avoiding safemode, and more generally about the end-to-end QA/testing process for satellites before they’re sent up into orbit. It’s very clearly not about actual Windows BSODs, it’s just written in a tongue-in-cheek style. Those commenting about “wtf windows on a spacecraft” clearly didn’t read the article, just read the title.

      FWIW I found the writing style engaging and the content interesting. I guess the title is a little click-bait-y, but not in a way that I minded much, and I probably wouldn’t have read an article titled “How to avoid safemode on a satellite.” It’s a fine line, but titles DO have to draw you in, otherwise you’ll never read the article.

      Re: the article itself, I did think it was pretty wild that customers have to be informed of every incident where a satellite flips into safemode in TESTING! In real operations, sure, but in testing, that’s wild. Feels like having to report bugs caught in my local dev environment, that were never deployed to prod.

      • GlenTheMachine 4 days ago ago

        This would be during formal testing, which is similar to what you might know as “acceptance testing”. The spacecraft doesn’t “enter safe mode” during development.

        If you’re paying two billion $ for something you become very very interested in test design and test results.

        Also, safe mode isn’t really the same as a BSOD. It’s a mode where the spacecraft decides something is wrong and disables a lot of functionality and focuses on pointing the solar panels at the sun and the antennas at the ground. It does not cease functioning - if that happens, you’ve probably lost your spacecraft. It is therefore VITALLY IMPORTANT that safe mode works, and a smart program manager tests the hell out of it.

        • yashap 3 days ago ago

          Ah fair, definitely a very different environment than what I’ve worked in! Have only worked on SaaS, where all forms of testing (automated and manual) are a thing we do internally, without customer involvement. We’ll do things like turn features on/off for customers, have them provide feedback, but that’s more product feedback than them being part of the testing/QA process.

          I have worked on software where individual customers pay millions for it, but not billions, and it’s also not a physical thing that can literally crash into earth or fly off into space if something goes wrong!

        • Brian_K_White 4 days ago ago

          So it's a bsod that switches to safe mode instead of halting.

          We already got that it's not actually Windows and so not literally identical to bsod in every detail.

          It's not the same as a common os safe mode either because it happens by itself as the last resort response to a problem, like a bsod. Not just on command.

      • sandworm101 4 days ago ago

        >> customers have to be informed of every incident where a satellite flips into safemode in TESTING!

        Because the customers are almost certainly running their own metrics, tracking failure rates over time. An increasing rate of failures across a program is probably a sign of something going wrong at a higher level. Remember too that there is "testing" and testing. One is you playing around with the software at your workstation, the other is the more formal testing as monitored by the acceptance and standards people.

    • TrueDuality 5 days ago ago

      Seconding the vxWorks and bare metal. Never seen Windows or Linux on a satellite bus. Haven't really touched payloads but I've seen some wonky things shipped to orbit by universities and not all them have been cubesat student projects.

      • jdiez17 4 days ago ago

        Linux on a satellite bus is definitely up and coming. For example ESA's OPS-SAT ran the NanoSat MO Framework (, written in Java and running on an ARM Linux OBC. It also makes a lot of sense for payload computers.

        I'm working on a Linux distribution for space applications that addresses some of the pain points (application deployment, software update & memory-safe implementations of typical space protocols like CCSDS/PUS). If all goes to plan it will fly on a 1U CubeSat tech demonstrator this year, a cybersecurity research 1U CubeSat next year, and a 2U high performance satellite ... later. :)

      • nicce 4 days ago ago

        Every Starlink runs with Linux.

        The license list is a bit long:

        • mrpippy 4 days ago ago

          That's likely software for the receiver/router/CPE that customers use, since it's being distributed they have to satisfy license obligations for it.

          Software actually running on satellites isn't being distributed, so there's no license obligations there (unless it's AGPL, ha!)

          • nicce 4 days ago ago

            It includes that software too, but they have claimed that they use Linux, so I would assume that some software is from the satellite itsef as well. It is still not clear ”what” obligations you have for a piece in the space.

          • lofaszvanitt 4 days ago ago

            Yeah, why would a satellite have angular...

        • cobalt 4 days ago ago

          that doesn't state what uses linux, is also on there

        • MichaelZuo 4 days ago ago

          It's surprising they didn't pick a RTOS.

          • gosub100 4 days ago ago

            Why? What benefit would that give them?

            • karlgkk 4 days ago ago

              I can't tell if this a serious comment or not, but they need an OS with realtime guarantees. They have claimed to use linux in a rtos configuration, also probably have a redundancy and voting-based failover system.

              • gosub100 4 days ago ago

                I can't tell if this is a serious answer to the question or not, as you have answered it in terms of the question: "why the need for RTOS? -> because they need RTOS". Stop wasting time with replies like this that add no value.

                • karlgkk 16 hours ago ago

                  If you can’t understand why the control system for SOMETHING GOING TO SPACE needs an RTOS then I can’t even begin to have a conversation with you

            • 4 days ago ago
          • karlgkk 4 days ago ago

            They did.

            • MichaelZuo 4 days ago ago

              How? That was a very recent change to linux.

              • wrs 4 days ago ago

                It was merged to mainline Linux last week. The patches have been usable for many years if you compile a custom kernel.

                • MichaelZuo 2 days ago ago

                  It’s not quite Linux anymore if it’s a custom kernel…

                  • karlgkk 16 hours ago ago

                    Yeah, usually it has a vendor brand slapped on it tbqh

      • inamberclad 4 days ago ago

        I've used Linux on the payload processor computer of a spacecraft so I know it happens :P

        I've also worked with a payload running Windows Embedded.

    • rob74 4 days ago ago

      Well, it's a fair question, because the article jumps right into extremely detailed specifics like "Closed Loop Tests" that probably just people working in this domain are familiar with, without first making clear what exactly it's talking about. "The lifecycle of most spacecraft consists of a final phase" - as someone with only a cursory knowledge of spacecraft, at this point I assumed he would be talking about deorbiting?

    • freedomben 4 days ago ago

      I worked on UAVs in the late 00s and early 10s and it was all VxWorks as well. We were playing around with some embedded Linux but it wasn't used on anything "serious," despite some of our dreams.

    • lisper 4 days ago ago

      The author of TFA clarifies here:

      TL;DR: the spacecraft is indeed not running Windows. It's running a custom OS written in C.

    • firecall 4 days ago ago

      So could this finally be the year of Linux on the Moon? ;-)

    • TacticalCoder 4 days ago ago

      > Thee are a bunch of comments here asking why one would run Windows on a spacecraft.

      Because TFA is highly misleading

      > I don’t see anything in the linked article indicating that they are actually running Windows

      TFA literally begins with a picture of a Windows BSOD with a Windows error message.

    • 4 days ago ago
    • metadat 4 days ago ago

      Is there any open-source equivalent to QNX?

      • GlenTheMachine 2 days ago ago

        No, unfortunately. QNX was itself not exactly open source, but at least used a “source code available for inspection” model and apparently had a fantastic user community.

        Then it got bought by RIM (BlackBerry). The source code went away and the owners stopped responding to the user community and the whole thing basically became irrelevant.

  • linebeck 5 days ago ago

    Author here: I should clarify the satellite is not running Windows. Instead, it’s running its own custom OS written in C called Flight Software (FSW) specifically designed for the satellite onboard computer.

    Re-reading the post, I see how the title, my analogies, and poor attempts at humor would give the incorrect description of what’s happening with the satellite when it enters safemode. I’ll amend the post soon.

    Thanks for the feedback, I’ll be better next time.

    • barbegal 5 days ago ago

      Could I ask you to clarify why avoiding safemode is so important? In a non satellite system safemode means everything is driven to a safe state which is fine during testing in the lab.

      Also do you not run these tests in an even more simulated environment where there is only the flight computer and no real hardware at all?

      • linebeck 5 days ago ago

        Having discussed this same question with the more experienced members of my team, the only conclusion I can draw is that the customer (US Government) is incredibly risk averse. Any unexpected entry into safemode would require a report, multiple meetings with the customer, and them being pretty angry. Their line of reasoning seems to be "Safemode->Something is wrong->Why is something wrong? We're not paying you to be wrong". I'm personally of the opinion that safemode isn't that bad. It's fully recoverable and shows the system is working properly.

        We normally have a Functional Test Assembly (real computer and some other hardware for testing) to run our tests against, but we only have one setup and it is consistently unreliable. This particular CLT was unable to get a clean run in the lab but it was decided that the issues were related to the lab setup rather than the actual test, so we moved forward to run on the satellite (against our team's protests).

        This to me is the real crux of the issue: if we can't even trust our own testing environment, what's the point of having it at all? If the customer is so risk averse, why would we take this chance? Needless to say, I don't think we'll be running anything on the satellite without full FTA vetting anytime in the near future.

        • Jtsummers 4 days ago ago

          > Any unexpected entry into safemode would require a report, multiple meetings with the customer, and them being pretty angry. Their line of reasoning seems to be "Safemode->Something is wrong->Why is something wrong? We're not paying you to be wrong". I'm personally of the opinion that safemode isn't that bad. It's fully recoverable and shows the system is working properly.

          To the last part first: Good that safe mode kicked in and did the right thing, but now what? What caused it to enter safe mode in the first place?

          That's why they care when it happens. If they don't know why it's entering safe mode, they can't correct the actual problems in the system.

          • axus 4 days ago ago

            "Safemode is when all non critical functions are automatically shut down and the satellite becomes entirely focused on generating power by pointing its solar panels towards the Sun and trying to reestablish any communication that was lost."

            The non-critical functions are all the things the customer actually bought the satellite for. Cool that it's still alive, but now the Space Internet / death lasers / etc. are offline.

          • linebeck 4 days ago ago

            There are faults IDs that trip if certain telemetry goes outside of a normal range. If a safemode were to occur, we would investigate which faults tripped and at what time, and use those to construct a "story" of what happened on the satellite before it entered safemode. We're also constantly recording every telemetry that comes down, so we could reference any telemetry we wanted as far back as months in the past.

            To your point, yes you're correct. The cause of the safemode is much more interesting than the fact we entered it.

        • minetest2048 4 days ago ago

          > We normally have a Functional Test Assembly (real computer and some other hardware for testing) to run our tests against, but we only have one setup and it is consistently unreliable

          Its interesting to see that someone with a 2B budget have the same problem as someome with 5 million budget... we have an engineering model for our cubesats but its flaky

    • yashap 4 days ago ago

      I enjoyed the humour, and the content. Personally I wouldn’t change it - it’s kind of a click-bait title, but I never would have read the article if it had a boring title, and I am glad I read it.

    • akira2501 4 days ago ago

      Can you speak at all as to how the development on this software is done? Is it distributed with centralized version control? Does release and engineering process interact with the version control at all? Are there mechanisms that link defect reports, corrections, and sign offs back to version control and into the build system?

      I got lost recently in how the Shuttle software was managed, mostly through IBM mainframes, and z/OSs facilities for all the above. I'm curious how modern development looks in comparison.

      • jdiez17 4 days ago ago

        > I got lost recently in how the Shuttle software was managed, mostly through IBM mainframes, and z/OSs facilities for all the above. I'm curious how modern development looks in comparison.

        Do you have any references for this? I also recently went down a research rabbit hole of the history of computing on Earth and in space - super interesting stuff. And the parallels are quite obvious when you look at it.

        • akira2501 2 days ago ago

          > Do you have any references for this?

          Oh yea.

          > And the parallels are quite obvious when you look at it.

          The insane level of detail and strategy when writing the shuttle software is something to behold. The testing laboratory SAIL was a full scale orbiter that actually flew test missions. "Day of use I-Loads" are one of my favorite things. They couldn't change the software load, but they could move some constants around before launch, really useful for feeding wind data into the shuttle before it launched.

      • linebeck 4 days ago ago

        FSW development is done by a different team than mine but I believe it's just managed through gitlab. Releases are done through tags, and any updates that need to be made have tickets created for them and are developed by the FSW team. Final approval is given by certified product engineers and then a new tag is created for that release. Like I said this is a different team but from what I've seen the process is fairly modern given how old our hardware is. I'm not sure of the exact process of how it's loaded onto the satellite through.

    • wrs 4 days ago ago

      Technical blog pro tip: Assume that many of your readers are VERY literal-minded, and many of your other readers like their humor obscure and as deadpan as possible. Sorry.

    • topspin 4 days ago ago

      I understood you were using an analogy. Didn't even occur to me that Windows was actually being used.

      However, I did come away thinking there are other dysfunctions at play in all of this. Perhaps an excessive amount of wheel re-inventing.

  • pif 4 days ago ago
  • jesprenj 4 days ago ago

    Was the spacecraft from the event described in the article an actual spacecraft in space or a simulation of a space mission on the ground?

    • MadnessASAP 4 days ago ago

      A simulation of a space mission on the ground with a satellite that will eventually be in space.

      Take your satellite, replace it's navigation/communication inputs with ones generated by a reasonably high fidelity real time physical simulation. Feed it's outputs back into said simulation. Ensure the satellite does the right things at the right time.

  • PoignardAzur 4 days ago ago

    > I think what surprised me the most was how nonchalant the response was. We had documented all of our actions, so other people had read what happened and knew something had gone on. I wasn’t expecting any fanfare but we weren’t even debriefed on what happened.

    That's... Concerning. No root cause analysis? Not even an internal one?

  • rdist 5 days ago ago

    And here I thought we were going to rehash Crowdstrike ;-)

    • TrueDuality 5 days ago ago

      Just a tactful reference hahah

      > the US government isn’t burning taxpayer dollars on a ten figure spaceship just to have us push a Crowdstrike update on it.

    • gosub100 4 days ago ago

      I know you kid, but theoretically running crowdstrike-susceptible windows on a spacecraft would work fine (at least I claim so), because you'd need a robust backdoor / OOB into it anywa (And I'm no windows fanboy, I hate them just as much as the next guy). Crowdstrike bug would cause an N-day loss of comms just like a thousand other things they plan for in a spacecraft.

  • taspeotis 4 days ago ago
  • jwrallie 4 days ago ago

    I would bet the schedule didn't allow much time to doing subsystem level test with on-board computer, so everyone went to the big test praying for the best.

    That or inexperienced programmers were involved, assuming they were not scared of modifying memory addresses directly.

    As for the safe-mode, if it happened maybe you could say you were randomly injecting errors in the memory during runtime and spacecraft entered safe mode as expected, would not be far off from the truth, just do not mention it was unintended :)

  • LorenPechtel 4 days ago ago

    Why is it using memory-mapped stuff in the first place rather than some sort of messaging system that would allow more defensive programming?

    • jdiez17 4 days ago ago

      To the shock and horror of many programming-inclined people, it turns out that having "arbitrary memory read/write" commands on a remote computer that *must* keep the mission going is quite useful.

      I can tell you a little first-hand account of where this helped a satellite formation flight mission I worked on. The communication system was working fine in terms of signal strength, but many command packets were ignored (no response). We were able to figure out that a message queue in the processing pipeline was considered full, by strategically reading certain memory locations. We then sent a memory patch to the satellite to skip some of the processing steps and this improved the communication system dramatically.

      We also brought back to life the first CubeSat launched by my university, BEESAT-1, by using arbitrary memory write to patch some telemetry collection software to avoid a damaged section of the onboard flash. Pretty cool story actually.

      • 0xDEAFBEAD 4 days ago ago

        It occurs to me that writing software for spacecraft could demand an entirely different paradigm than writing software for traditional applications.

        For example, you could use an OS that is deterministic down to the last detail, and have a "digital twin" / virtual machine of the spacecraft computer here on Earth, kept in sync with all sensor and actuator activity out in space. Before issuing any command to the spacecraft, you branch the digital twin, issue the command on the branch, and make sure everything looks good.

        With this method, you wouldn't even need to read memory locations on the spacecraft, you could just read them on the digital twin. Then test the memory patch on the digital twin and make very sure that it won't brick your spacecraft before you transmit it.

        • jdiez17 4 days ago ago

          Interesting idea. If you had control over the whole software stack down to the hardware, you could organize it in such a way that all meaningful mutable state is kept in a contiguous region of memory - and then you could just download or sync that.

          I can imagine that these "state dumps" would be quite big though. And there is definitely some hidden state in the hardware blocks themselves (SPI, I2C, whatever...).

      • LorenPechtel 4 days ago ago

        Sounds like a very, very useful capability to put in for diagnostic capability, but it's not exactly what I would like for routine operations.

        Things happen, and the electronics has to take radiation hits. I'd make the software as defensive as feasible so failures have less potential to cascade.

    • gavinsyancey 4 days ago ago

      If I were to guess -- At the lowest level, that's what the hardware does. I wouldn't be surprised if they have a library to wrap that with something more friendly, but something has to translate that into writes to memory-mapped addresses, and whatever that is was configured with the wrong addresses...

  • egberts1 2 days ago ago

    You can always run Minix3 which basically keeps on running after a kernel OOPS.

  • joelkevinjones 4 days ago ago

    As much as I hate writing "getter" functions for referencing global variables, I would when I knew I didn't have the right address yet. Write them first to error out loudly, then when you have the actual addresses replace the error out code.

  • bronlund 4 days ago ago

    Clickbait. Unlike british missile submarines, they are not using Windows.

  • aghilmort 5 days ago ago


  • farceSpherule 5 days ago ago

    Or you can avoid contracting with Boeing.

  • dangoodmanUT 5 days ago ago

    Step 1: Use linux

    • rurban 2 days ago ago

      Such systems need to use a secure and trusted OS, if an OS is actually needed. Many get away without one.

      The problem was that their parameter file had no header for the machine type. Unchecked memcpy in space is seldom good, and you are lucky if it trips a shutdown. Rotating satellites don't tend to unrotate in time, and very soon they are gone.

    • ksajh 5 days ago ago

      Step 1: Read and understand the article

    • imoverclocked 5 days ago ago

      Step 2: install vxworks

  • sharpshadow 5 days ago ago

    One must have balls of steel to run windows on a spaceship.

    • wongarsu 5 days ago ago

      The article doesn't actually involve Windows. They wanted to avoid a satellite going into safemode, which they describe as "the satellite equivalent of a blue screen of death". That's honestly not even a good analogy. The headline is just bad

    • dylan604 5 days ago ago

      Well, if your account is only a Home Edition, you will not get the same support as if you upgrade to Universal Galactic Edition which has a LTS measured in generations.

      • freedomben 4 days ago ago

        Also, if you want RDP then I think you need to upgrade to Universal Galactic Edition

        • pjmlp 4 days ago ago

          Only if the ground control station has more than two persons.

    • hunter2_ 5 days ago ago

      For anyone reading only headlines and comments, from TFA:

      > If the watchdog timer has not been restarted and instead times out after ~30 seconds, the satellite enters something called safemode. Safemode is when all non critical functions are automatically shut down and the satellite becomes entirely focused on generating power by pointing its solar panels towards the Sun and trying to reestablish any communication that was lost. It’s a state the vehicle goes into when something bad happens [...] the satellite equivalent of a blue screen of death.

      If only Windows would be so kind!

    • perching_aix 5 days ago ago

      Personally, I wouldn't be stoked to run Linux on them either to be honest. But both are being done. Practicality rules I suppose.

      • jmclnx 5 days ago ago

        Really, with Linux (or a BSD), you can make tweaks for free to save memory and to only allow specific tasks and hardware. Plus you could publish these changes and maybe they will be accepted by upstream.

        With Windows, you need to beg and pay Microsoft for customizations and hope these changes will not cause other issues.

        Plus, most space projects are on a tight and limited budgets where management would rather spend on hardware than software.

      • anonzzzies 5 days ago ago

        Having sourcecode to everything would make me trust things more as at least we could fix things without calling MS.

        But what would you run? QNX? BSD?

        • withinboredom 5 days ago ago

          Just because you have the source code, doesn't mean you have the knowledge to fix it before you die.

          • anonzzzies 5 days ago ago

            Sure, but without it, you stand no chance at all.

            • exe34 5 days ago ago

              windows is source-available if you have deep enough pockets:

              • 0cf8612b2e1e 5 days ago ago

                Does Microsoft also provide you the tools to build it? I assume there are many Microsoft internal tools, libraries, etc required to compile anything of note. Presumably it has been dog fooded for so long it would be impossible to bootstrap without some number of binary artifacts in hand.

                • withinboredom 5 days ago ago

                  I feel like this misses the point so much that it might as well be nonsense.

                  A better way to put my argument is: could an average mom build Linux on specialized hardware in space? If the answer is "yes", then you may have a point.

                  I don't think the answer is yes.

              • anonzzzies 5 days ago ago

                Anyway, I was responding to someone who wouldn't run either on a spaceship so I still would like to know what they would want to run. I am from a formal verification school of thought, so I would want something sel4.

                • exe34 5 days ago ago

                  I'd want manual backup pushbuttons.

                  • foobar1962 4 days ago ago

                    And another box close enough so the CD tray can press them when it opens.

          • johnisgood 5 days ago ago

            No, but you can review the source code before (or at any point), whereas with Windows, you cannot even do that.

            • exe34 5 days ago ago

              windows is source-available if you have deep enough pockets:

              • johnisgood 5 days ago ago

                I have not heard of anyone building their own, custom Windows though, how common is it? I do not see Windows forks around either (I get it, it would not be legal).

                • pjmlp 4 days ago ago

                  What do you think some OEMs do with Windows on their custom deployment devices?

                  This happens less nowadays, because stuff like Android and ChromeOS, so why pay Microsoft when free beer OSes exist.

            • icehawk 5 days ago ago

              For something like the spacecraft in the article, you absolutely would have the ability to get access to the Windows source code.

            • withinboredom 5 days ago ago

              I've occasionally worked on drivers for windows and linux. In either case, I didn't really need to read the source code; neither was it a valuable proposition. If the advertised API didn't do what it was supposed to, I likely wouldn't have understood enough to fix it: and this is my point.

              Just because you can read it, doesn't mean you can or will be able to actually fix it; not because of technicality, but because of personal knowledge.

              In this case, they are both black boxes.

              • johnisgood 5 days ago ago

                I mean, I agree, I am just saying that it is better (in general) to have the source than not having it.

                • withinboredom 5 days ago ago

                  How so?

                  I once spent three days trying to figure out an issue, stepping line by line through hadoop (after figuring out the issue was in hadoop and not my own code). Yay, I proved the issue was actually in Java itself. Guess what happened next? We avoided the bug. Why?

                  - We couldn't update Java.

                  - We couldn't change hadoop because we were using a packaged solution. So, we just filed a bug with them.

                  Had the source not been available, we would have just skipped all of that, and it would have been our vendor's problem 3 days earlier.

        • ssrc 5 days ago ago

          VxWorks, LynxOS or RTEMS. RTEMS is open source.

        • redleader55 5 days ago ago

          If you ever count how many patches are in between stable point releases - eg. 6.10.5 to 6.10.6, you'll see having the source code is not enough. All of these patches are fixes for something or another, not features, but fixes.

          If you look at an LTS branch, you'll see there are hundreds of point releases. Usually a point release is created once every 5-10 days. I interpret that to mean bugs were not found until many weeks after the LTS branch was cut. Obviously, not all of them affect you, but many patches apply important subsystems which affect you.

        • perching_aix 4 days ago ago

          Maybe sel4? I'm not in embedded so maybe I'm being pretty silly here, but I think being formally proven and realtime are pretty good things to have in the case of an expensive, long lived space project.

          That said, this is on the scale that I'm surprised off-the-shelf things are even being considered. I'd have thought they'd just roll something bespoke and that's the end of that.

        • GlenTheMachine 5 days ago ago

          VxWorks, usually

        • rurban 2 days ago ago

          Baremetal of course. If it gets complicated (ie threads): QNX, vxworks, L4.

      • wubrr 5 days ago ago

        What's the practical benefit of using Windows here?

        • wil421 5 days ago ago

          The new galactic empire has an enterprise licensing agreement with Microsoft.

        • gosub100 4 days ago ago

          Maybe technically you could save $89 and run pirated windows because of (possibly?) no jurisdiction in space?

        • jandrese 5 days ago ago

          Easier to find developers who are comfortable with Windows.

    • dekhn 4 days ago ago

      1998: Windows 95 on Thinkpads (not running system-critical)

      Detailed writeup by project manager: (doesn't mention the OS)

      Some indication the laptops on ISS run linux on HP ZBooks:

    • lisper 4 days ago ago
    • hypeatei 5 days ago ago

      Wonder if it's LTSC or the standard image with candy crush, windows store, and Xbox game app bloat?

      • lpribis 5 days ago ago

        Don't know if it's publically available, but MS makes Windows IoT which is a stripped down distro for embedded systems.

    • neuralRiot 5 days ago ago

      Installing update 1 of 456. Please don’t turn off your spaceship.

    • geepytee 5 days ago ago

      Genuine question, what would you use instead and why?

      • jasonwatkinspdx 5 days ago ago

        Real Time Operating System(s) like VxWorks.

        Commodity equipment running specialized distros of Linux is a growing thing however.

        • MPSimmons 5 days ago ago

          Linux just mainlined the RTOS patch that a lot of people have used. Including SpaceX -

          Linux RT merge:

        • gosub100 4 days ago ago

          What parts would actually need realtime response? Only thing I can think of would be thrusters, but wouldn't that be solved by an asic? Essentially a network command where you say "I don't care specifically when you do this, but I'm requesting a correction of M-magnitude in this 3-vector. If I don't get an ack within 500ms cancel. "

          • jasonwatkinspdx 4 days ago ago

            Navigation / attitude control needs to be real time. Even if there's a microcontroller at the device, the guidance system receives telemetry and then sends commands. If the send is arbitrarily delayed then the resulting motion won't be what the system desired. The microcontroller can't do the complex calculations on its own because it doesn't have all the telemetry from multiple sensors.

            Also RTOS tend to have a lot of verification work applied so that you can be confident some facilities just won't fail.

      • MPSimmons 5 days ago ago

        Depending on the complexity of the satellite, a linux node, several linux nodes, or a LOT of linux nodes. Or a very small embedded SoC if your satellite is very simple or has a segregated payload.

      • cogman10 5 days ago ago

        If I had barrels full of money to waste, probably a microkernel architecture like fuchsia [1]. The barrels full of money would be turning it into a real time OS. The benefit of such an OS is if there's a bug in the drivers, the kernel itself keeps on plugging along, it can dump and reload the misbehaving driver without crashing.


      • scottyah 5 days ago ago

        I'm forgetting the name of it, but there's a special OS designed for space. The main issue is that bits get flipped all the time once you leave the protection of the magnetosphere. On the surface of the earth, we generally trust memory a lot more than you can in space, even with special chips and shielding. It causes all sorts of weird problems and slow-downs.