• teddyh 2 hours ago ago

    So, where a VMC was equivalent to an EV X.509 certificate, CMC is basically a normal certificate. I guess nobody wanted to buy VMCs, just like with EVs. But the mere existence of CMCs now lowers the value of a BIMI logo; if almost anybody can get a CMC, the logo can not be trusted. Might as well use X-Face, which is free.

    (BIMI is still a tracking pixel in every mail, BTW.)

    Previously: <https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40873830>, <https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32717105>, <https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28196403>

    • 9dev 2 hours ago ago

      Nobody wanted to buy them because the pricing was just ridiculous. I’m sure as hell not dropping 1.5 grand per year to display a freaking logo next to our mails. Had they been less greedy, this could have actually worked. But the way it is, it’s just a money grab from the same guys that used to sell you overpriced SSL certificates.

      > (BIMI is still a tracking pixel in every mail, BTW.)

      It doesn’t have to be. Email platforms and clients should have servers in place to fetch logo images and cache them for their users; no direct correlation between users and requests in that case.

      • teddyh 29 minutes ago ago

        > Email platforms and clients should have servers in place to fetch logo images and cache them for their users; no direct correlation between users and requests in that case.

        So, all email servers and clients should be rewritten to avoid user tracking. Got it.

        This will never happen. If it came even close to happening, BIMI would magically and coincidentally grow a new user-tracking feature.

  • irq-1 2 hours ago ago

    Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI)