Explore Music Non-Linearly


59 points | by Tomte 5 days ago ago


  • novosel 2 days ago ago

    A similar approach (effectively node based, generative music)


    I used to play with an earlier version of Nodal, great for someone that has an ear for music but no formal training. Also, Brian Eno.

    • RandomThoughts3 2 days ago ago

      Benn Jordan made a video about midinous a year ago where he explains that the author, Nornec who is a music producer, liked Nodal so much but wanted improvements so direly they just learnt to program and developed modinous [1].

      So yes, it’s completely inspired by nodal and the research papers which were published about it. It basically aims to be a better nodal in a lot of way. Also great origin story.

      [1] https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rtTWtzWav8I&t=770s&pp=2AGCBpAC...

    • Rochus 2 days ago ago

      The concept looks pretty identical to Nodal, as if they used the same specification.

  • chaosprint 2 days ago ago

    One interesting method I have learnt over the years is to use logistic map function to create some random notes:


  • ta988 2 days ago ago

    It is possible to do part of that in Bitwig as well, lots of ways to have probabilistic triggering of notes and patterns that trigger others.

  • riiii a day ago ago

    Website could do with a demo. I'm not gonna rush to steam and buy.