• wkat4242 17 hours ago ago

    Nice. I still have a real VT520 here. I'll give those animations a try on that too.

    • donatj 14 hours ago ago

      I have a VT220 in my office. About ten years ago I used to use it regularly as a terminal for my Mac laptop. I tried hooking it up to an M1 Mac recently but had a ton of issues. First there was no drivers for my serial adapter. Once I got that straightened out, I fought with getting getty working for multiple hours yet failed to get it to work correctly.

      I gave up, but I should circle back. Part of me is considering selling it.

      • wkat4242 13 hours ago ago

        Yes, another major problem is that lots of apps just ignore termcap/terminfo these days and just blab xterm-256color directly to the terminal. I've heard people say that running it through tmux fixes that (tmux seems to be smart that way) but I have yet to try it. My 520 is currently in a box.

        I didn't have those issues you mention but I run FreeBSD where serial and getty is still a first-class citizen. Though I don't blame Apple for deprecating it.

  • kristopolous 19 hours ago ago

    some of these are really old. Take this one for instance: http://artscene.textfiles.com/vt100/bambi_godzila

    Excuse me if everyone knows this but me.

  • anthk 12 hours ago ago

    Just use tritty from trickle instead of pulling rust and tons of deps.


    trickle can simulate an old PTS/ISDN connection speed too.


              tritty -b9600 
              cat outerlimits.vt

              tritty -b1200
              cat outerlimits.vt
    outerlimits.vt can fastly be found at the same repo of theattyr