Measuring Developers' Jobs-to-be-done


63 points | by BerislavLopac 5 days ago ago


  • Too 17 hours ago ago

    Here is the original paper It’s not much longer and I found it easier to read.

    In fact, the linked rehash feels uncanny, using similar words and phrases from the original, that are otherwise unusual. Made by AI?

    • mewpmewp2 11 hours ago ago

      It didn't seem AI like to me. It doesn't seem to use bulletpoints in similar fashion as usually LLMs do, paragraphs are differently organized and differing lengths, etc. It was a bit too random to be AI in my opinion.

      > In fact, the linked rehash feels uncanny, using similar words and phrases from the original, that are otherwise unusual. Made by AI?

      I think it's just the author reusing those words?

    • nomilk 9 hours ago ago

      Also odd is the expression 'jobs to be done'. At first glance this seemed like an allusion to this famous 'Jobs to be Done' Clay Christian talk [1] (well worth the 5 minute watch). But AFICT it's just coincidental use of the phrase.


    • kqr 9 hours ago ago

      That seems to be about 5000 words, and the submitted "summary" is about a third of that. Why summarise when one is going to make something of nearly equal length?

    • ahoka 15 hours ago ago

      They mention “high quality code” without defining it. I assume this is internally well defined?

      • leetrout 12 hours ago ago

        And why is that not a goal of the "test team"?

        • 9 hours ago ago
  • 8 hours ago ago